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Remote Procedure Calls are deepstreamHub’s request-response mechanism. Clients and backend processes can register as “providers” for a given RPC, identified by a unique name. Other endpoints can request said RPC.

deepstreamHub will route requests to the right provider, load-balance between multiple providers for the same RPC, and handle data-serialisation and transport.

## Methods ### client.rpc.provide( name, callback )
argument type optional description
name String false The name of the RPC. Each client can only register as a provider for an RPC name once.
callback Function false A function that handles incoming RPCs. Will be called with data and an RPC response object.

Registers the client as a provider for incoming RPCs of a specific name. The callback will be invoked when another client calls client.rpc.make().

client.rpc.provide( 'add-two-numbers', function( data, response ){
    response.send( data.numA + data.numB );


  • Only one callback per client can be registered for the same RPC
    Data can be any serializable object
    Documentation for the response object can be found here

client.rpc.unprovide( name )

argument type optional description
name String false The name of the RPC.

Removes the client as a provider previously registered using provide().

client.rpc.unprovide( 'add-two-numbers' );

client.rpc.make( name, data, callback )

argument type optional description
name String false rpcname
data Mixed true Any serialisable data ( Objects, Strings, Numbers... ) that will be send with the rpc

Executes a remote procedure call. callback will be invoked with the returned result or with an error if the RPC failed.

client.rpc.make( 'add-two-numbers', { numA:4, numB: 7 }, ( error, result ) => {
    // error = null, result = 11